Trout Tips: The angler is part of the presentation

Dressing in muted colors, or even plaid or stripes, can help you blend into the background, making you harder for the fish to see.

Editor's note: The following is exerpted from TU's latest book, "Trout Tips," a compilation of fishing tips from members and TU staffers from all over America. You can order your copy today.

Several years ago, I was leading a media tour on Colorado's Roan Plateau, a vast expanse of wild country that was being targeted for wholesale natural gas drilling. The plateau is home to a unique strain of Colorado River cutthroat trout that have evolved for eons above a series of waterfalls. They are unique fish, and fishing for them is a special experience. It requires work to get into the backcountry to chase them, and the water is intimate, meaning it requires stealth, accuracy and patience. I was fishing with a host of media members and a fellow TU staffer, who had donned a bright pink t-shirt for the day on the water. The rest of us wore muted colors... drab olive, green, brown... even plaid. The following tip by TU volunteer Scott Nugent, from our new book, "Trout Tips," is why I continue to harass my former colleague over his choice of attire that day all those years ago:

"Remember that YOU are part of the overall "presentation" scenario. Thus, you should a) always (or at least usually) start fishing at the back of a pool of rising fish, and b) dress to camouflage yourself and match your background." 

Good advice Scott. My colleague definitely learned the hard way!

— Chris Hunt


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