New Veterans Fly Fishing Program Lead in San Antonio

Congratulations and thank you to Mike Schlimgen for his appointment as the new program lead for the TU VSP and PHW wounded warrior/Veterans fly fishing program in the San Antonio area.  Mike was a participant in the recent TU Veterans Service Partnership fly fishing trip to the Jefferson Island Ranch in Whitehall, Montana, and during that trip, we all got to see Mike's passion for fly fishing and for fellow Vets and wounded warriors.  Mike has hit-the-ground-running and is holding a fly tying session at the San Antonio hosptial this week.  Following is a link to Mike's post.....

If you would like more information on the San Antonio VSP/PHW program, contact Mike at

 For more information on TU's VSP program, contact national VSP Coordinator Alan Folger at or Western VSP Coordinator Dave Kumlien at  Please visit the TU VSP Facebook page at


said on Monday, October 27th, 2014

The fly tying session is at the San Antonio VA Hospital.  Please contact Mike at for more info.  


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