Submitted by bigsur on Wed, 2024-03-06 11:04 Great Smoky Mountain - 047 Vote Up Down +660 + dept_troutmaster1.jpg NEXT GSM TU CHAPTER MEETING FEATURING: MATT KULP- FISHERY BIOLOGIST GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS NATIONAL PARK 6PM THURSDAY MARCH 28TH 2024 DEAD END BBQ 3621 Sutherland Ave. “Join us on Thursday March 28th, 2024, at 6PM for our next chapter meeting at Dead End BBQ 3621 Sutherland Ave Knoxville!” Coming up for our next chapter meeting is on March 28th, 2024 at Dead End BBQ, with special guest, Matt Kulp of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park Matt is the Supervisory Fishery Biologist for the Park and will be giving us updates on current projects and strategic planning for the Park in the future. Make sure you get there early as Matt always draws a crowd, social hour and dinner start at 6PM and the meeting will be at 7PM. Dead End BBQ is located at 3621 Sutherland Ave, Knoxville TN. Remember to follow us on the GSM TU Facebook