Submitted by walt_gasson on Fri, 2016-06-24 15:11 Conservation West of The Rockies The Front Porch Trout Magazine TU Businesses & Guides Outdoor Communicators Vote Up Down +8 + IMGP8759.JPG They say that one of the biggest barriers to recruiting new fly anglers is the intimidation factor. You hear it expressed in lots of ways: “It’s just too complicated!” “You have to learn so much!” “I’ll never be able to do all that!” That’s too bad, because as we all know, fly fishing is simply fun. And no one knows that better than Doug Pendleton at Northwest Fly Fishing Academy. The lakes, rivers and streams of North Central Washington are Doug’s home waters and he loves sharing them with people. He can show you where and when to fish, what gear to use and how to present your fly. As a teaching guide, he’s right there with you every step of the way to help you recognize the opportunities, sharpen your skills, land the “big one” and have the most enjoyable day ever. Recently, Doug and Northwest Fly Fishing Academy were nominated and selected as Best Northwest Fly Fishing Guide by KING5 and Evening Magazine. This prestigious honor comes as no surprise to anyone who knows him. In 2006, Doug left his “day job” in Seattle to pursue his love of fly fishing full-time as a professional guide and instructor. Doug is founder of Northwest Fly Fishing Academy and is committed to the recovery of endangered wild salmon and steelhead. He is an active member of the Icicle Valley Chapter of Trout Unlimited which is dedicated to the preservation and recovery these cold-water fish in the Pacific Northwest. The focus of the Academy is introducing folks to fly fishing in a ½-day hands-on class: Introduction to Fly Fishing. All the basics are covered, from definitions to entomology to basic casting skills. Finally, as a “graduation exercise” every student casts a fly to a feisty rainbow (some upwards of 20 inches!), plays, nets and then gently releases the fish. It’s a perfect first step for those who want to give fly fishing a try. What’s more, all graduates become members of the TU upon graduation, using the Academy’s TU Business member gift trial memberships. Guided trips with Northwest Fly Fishing Academy are half-day or full-day fly fishing adventures, all within easy reach of Leavenworth. While guided fishing is best for the experienced angler, no previous experience is necessary. Newbie or old timer, you’ll have a great time pursuing wild trout or steelhead from a professional fishing raft or wading a Cascade mountain stream and return home with some valuable new tips and techniques to try on your home waters. That’s their guarantee. If you’re looking for an award-winning fly fishing experience in the Pacific Northwest, check out Northwest Fly Fishing Academy. You’ll be glad you did. Northwest Fly Fishing Academy (G) Doug Pendleton Leavenworth, WA 98826 (206) 605-6286