Submitted by fiveriverstu on Sat, 2013-10-19 15:25 Five Rivers - 451 Vote Up Down +8 + P1010004.JPG The recent shutdown of the federal government has delayed the construction of the fish-migration barrier on the East Fork of Hermosa Creek. This, in turn, has forced the cancelation (at least for now) of the scheduled Five Rivers Trout Unlimited Volunteer Work Day. The weather will now determine if this project is re-scheduled for early Novermber, of if it will have to wait until spring, 2014. Five Rivers is assisting the Forest Service on a multi-year plan to restore and protect native cutthroats throughout the Upper Hermosa Creek Basin. This year's work plan includes re-planting and seeding areas disturbed by the construction of the fish-migration barrier. It is possible that if no more snow falls and if the ground is not frozen solid that we will be able to complete the project this year, perhaps about Nov. 9. We will keep you informed about the project here on the website and will update those of you on our contact list via e-mail about a work day when and if it can be re-scheduled. Thank you!