November Meeting set for the 14th at UMC

Trout Unlimited Sylva will hold its monthly meet and eat Tuesday, November 14th at United Methodist Church in Sylva on Jackson Ave. from 6:30 to 8pm. The club will provide a potluck meal.

We have fishing reports and updates on the Tuckaseigee draft recreation flow calendar and Trout in the Classroom. Hear about our outing on October 17th with Summit Charter School.

We've got some great gear for raffles. Please come join us, you do not have to be a TU member.


For club members:

Sandy is bringing the main course of chili. Jerry's got drinks covered. We could use some sides and of course desserts. Please let me know if you are bringing.


I'm going to the clean-up at Mull Creek (off Caney Fork) on Friday, Nov. 3 10-2pm  with Mainspring. 

Here's a link to the clean-up sign-up




Tom Lenehan

Tucksaseigee TU president and secretary


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