October 2018 Newsletter

Trout Unlimited


October Newsletter - Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited


October Chapter Meeting –

Date: Monday, October 1st

Time: 6:00 PM Socialize and Trout Tails       

       6:30 PM Pizza
       7:00 Meeting

Location: Auburn Sportsman’s Club
             50 Elm St, Auburn, MA 01501



Looking back at last year, we had several events that need a quick review:


1. The Banquet.


I’ve attended many banquets, sponsored by both with other local TU chapters and other organizations. Let me just state that the spread put out by Steve and his team is second to none! I would challenge many fine restaurants to put together a better menu. One word – “Fantastic”. In addition, it was wonderful seeing a good number of the Auburn Sportsman’s Club members supporting this event. Great time. We are already planning our 2019 Banquet. My suggestion – get your tickets early.


2. The Farmington Weekend.


So many smiling faces, so many bent rods, so much fun. We had a ball fishing the “B52” spinners in the Church pool and working emerger patterns up in the Campground pool. There were several using nymphs with very good success. This year did not have the prolific hatches that we’ve seen in the past. But we were still on a good amount of fish. And, we are getting smarter. The addition of the emerger and B52 patterns and techniques proved to enticing for the natives to pass up.


We are looking to review the Father’s day weekend with a possible move to another weekend. In addition, there is talk of getting at least one cabin for the entire week before the planned weekend. Too much fun X a whole week


3. The High School Fly Fishing Championship.


This year we had several young ladies show up for the event. We saw fewer fish landed this year, but the enthusiasm from the kids was terrific. We have a list of improvements that can make this an even better event. In addition, contacting the other sportsman’s clubs in the state may be the best way to attract more kids to the event. In addition, we are going to talk with some of the local fishing companies to see about some sponsorship – Imagine if this went Nation Wide! There are a couple other ideas up our sleeves.


Going forward – The 2018 – 2019 Season


We will continue to hold our meetings on the first Monday of each month at the Auburn Sportsman’s Club. However, there is a big change coming.


This year, we are going to evaluate the use of a Web Based meeting format. We will focus on the Auburn location and will provide some additional incentives (that will be revealed next month), but for those unable to travel to the Auburn location, you can either join the meeting via the web or simply call in for at least the audio portion. Below is the meeting information and how to join.





Meeting number (access code): 625 248 918
Meeting password: 12345

Host key: 868242


Dial sip:625248918@cmtu.my.webex.com
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.


tel:+15103389438,,*01*625248918%23%23*01* USA Toll


+1-510-338-9438 USA Toll

NOTE: You will probably have to add a WebEx ap/software to your computer to join the meeting via the web. Does not take very long.

If you have issues, try calling in or send an email to our centralmasstu@gmail.com and we will try and help you out.




October Agenda:


1. Fly of the Month - Mystery Fly


Our focus this year will be on flies that are known to work on the Farmington in the June timeframe. These flies will also work in MA, but our focus is to make sure you’ve got some of the “go to” flies in your box for our Farmington Weekend. Dave is putting together a Mystery fly for tying during the meeting. We are looking to supplement our tying efforts with some tied flies from some other sources. The flies needed on the Farmington can be a bit challenging on the vice, so we are looking at some other options.


2. YouTube – The Farmington


One of the benefits of a web based meeting is the web. There are hundreds of videos on YouTube that provide some great shots of this great river, some good insight and a few secrets.


We will be looking to have some instructional, destination and informative videos going forward. There are millions to choose from.


3. Questions and Answers on the new web format.


I am sure there will be some questions on this new system and want to make sure we spend some time in answering some questions and showing you some of the features of the system.


4. There is talk of the Quinie dam being removed.


What if the dam was removed on the Quinie? We are going to start having discussions on what could be done to help improve the Quinie. One item is the silt that has accumulated over the years. If this dam thing is real, there will be a lot of attention and support to make the Quinie the stream it was back in the 60s. This could be real big!


There is still some great fishing out there, so do not put those rods away just yet.


Look forward to a great 2018 – 2019 season and your input as to how we can make it even better.


We look forward to seeing you and discussing FISH.


Tight Lines,
Peter Sterndale
President, Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited


© 2018 Trout Unlimited | CMTU #148 | http://centralmasstu.org


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