Origin Stories Winners

The votes are in and we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Origin Stories contest. We have really enjoyed this journey through the history of these fine TU chapters. If you haven't had a chance to see the stories, please visit the Origin Stories group page.
First, we would like to express our thanks to the folks at the Fly Fishing Film Tour for the generous first place prize of a film screening. We would like to also thank the TU team for the adult and youth fly fishing rigs for the second and third place winners. All of these great prizes will be instrumental in the next fundraising event for our winners.
So without further ado, it is time to announce the winners of our 2014 Origin Stories contest.
  • First place goes to the Cherokee - 577 chapter with 139 votes. 
  • Second place goes to the Doc Fritchey - 108 chapter with 81 votes.
  • Third place goes to the East Jersey - 091 chapter with 71 votes.
Thanks to all who entered their story. The community connection that these TU chapters share helps us as members answer the question of "why join TU". I encourage you to share the story of your chapter in your community. After all, as members and anglers, we have so many good stories to tell.

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