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The votes are in and we are pleased to announce the winners of the 2014 Origin Stories contest. We have really enjoyed this journey through the history of these fine TU chapters. If you haven't had a chance to see the stories, please visit the Origin Stories group page.   First, we would like to [ READ MORE... ]
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Voting time is here and we want to hear your voice! We have nine great submissions for the Origin Stories contest and choosing a winner will be difficult. Please visit the Origin Stories group page to find the stories and contest information.    Now comes the fun part — it's time to vote for your [ READ MORE... ]
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One could make the case that the Madison-Gallatin Chapter of Trout Unlimited is the “Keeper of the Crown Jewels” of North American trout rivers and streams. Based in Bozeman and including the towns of West Yellowstone and Ennis, the Madison Gallatin Chapter of Trout Unlimited (MGTU) works to [ READ MORE... ]
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The Beginning of the Tock’s Island Fight and the Fred S. Burroughs North Jersey Chapter of Trout Unlimited     THE BIG FLATBROOK RIVER:                 Back in the mid 1960’s Fritz Gerds, Mike Tagliaferro, and myself had become completely enamored with the Flatbrook.  We fished that stream for [ READ MORE... ]
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With today's deadline for submitting chapter origin stories, we’re moving into the judging phase of the contest. You shared some great stories about the origin of your Trout Unlimited chapters. Take a look at the submissions at the Origin Stories group page. If you don't see your submitted story in [ READ MORE... ]
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Way back in the the year 2014 a new vision was concieved in central West Virginia. A vision for a 21st century TU chapter and making long term sustainable impacts fueled by a passion for native species. Something edgy and young. The Sal font Chapter was born and only chartered since February 2014. [ READ MORE... ]
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We have received some really great stories for the Chapter and Council Origin Stories contest. You still have time to win a showing of the Fly Fishing Film Tour or F3T for your chapter. The deadline for your chapter's story is May 15th. Take a look at the Origin Stories group page for the [ READ MORE... ]
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East Jersey Trout Unlimited, Our Story             In 1971, in the most populace county in the most densely populated state in the country, a group of individuals had the foresight to start a chapter of Trout Unlimited that would become one of the primary stewards of the region’s precious waterways [ READ MORE... ]
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A little more time to tell your version.   We are very excited to see the terrific chapter origin stories that have been submitted in the Origin Stories group. Witnessing the perseverance and deep generosity of our grassroots members is the best part of developing and sharing these stories. We know [ READ MORE... ]
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What Cape Cod Trout Unlimited is all about! Back in the late 70’s the Southeastern Massachusetts Chapter of Trout Unlimited started work on a reclamation of the Quashnet River along the Falmouth/Mashpee town line in the upper Cape. The river had been channelized by cranberry bog owners into a [ READ MORE... ]

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