President's Letter - September 2017

I just can’t believe it. In a few days, it’ll be one year serving as your chapter President. Twelve months down…twelve to go.


But you know, I don’t look at it that way.  Serving in this role has been highly rewarding: it’s taken me to Montana and our annual TU national meeting; I’ve gotten to know some really fantastic TUers here and around the country; and there’s been some great conservation events and fishing trips. But this only covers a small part of what being president is all about. Sure, all of this comes with the job, but there’s a good deal of satisfaction in knowing the job is getting done and getting done in concert with a great group of people serving as your chapter officers, advisors and committee heads.


You see, not much would have been accomplished during the year without all of the collective energies and talents of this group of individuals. You put them in their roles last September and I think they all deserve your congratulations and applause (you can do this at the upcoming September chapter meeting) for a ‘Job Well Done.’


Joining your board members who are coming back for the second year of their two-year term are several new faces that want to tackle chapter leadership positions. Listed in this Newsline are the names of all board members who’ll be returning and those who want to serve.


Be sure to come to this meeting – our Annual Chapter Meeting – on Tuesday, September 26 from 6-9pm. Meet these members and get to know who they are and why they want to serve our chapter. Also, come to hear our featured speaker Joey Walraven, Owner of Rivers Edge Outfitters in Cherokee, NC who will be telling us how to rig up and fish for the monster trout lurking in the many streams and rivers in Cherokee during our upcoming November 2-5 fall chapter trip.


See you all on the 26th.





Ken Mock, President


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