Protect The Yakima River Headwaters - Take Action

"Legislative Alert - please call or email today!"

There's a potential vote of HB2467 tomorrow if our voices are heard - this will introduce necessary regulations to protect spawning and rearing habitat for protected headwaters fish species from suction dredge mining. Currently, there are few enforceable rules for suction dredge mining that allow unregulated habitat destruction, without a licensing process. This bill will bring equity and fairness into when, where, and how suction dredge mining is allowed in our headwaters streams, creeks, and rivers.

Please call Rep. Tom Dent today and voice your support for the new bill and ask him to encourage Brian Blake to put it to vote tomorrow. Tell them that ‪#‎headwatersmatter‬!

Contact info:

Marge Plumage
Legislative Assistant to
Rep. Tom Dent
13th Legislative District
John L. O’Brien Building, Ste 411
(360) 786-7932


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