Submitted by chris_hunt on Mon, 2016-03-21 14:04 Conservation TU Teens Vote Up Down +63 + Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 3.02.08 PM.png Last week, Hollywood actor and musician Chord Overstreet launched a campaign to raise money for Trout Unlimited through the interface that featured the "Glee" star's orginal artwork with the message, "Save the Trout." Overstreet, who's "Glee" character Sam Evans was nicknamed, "Trouty Mouth," is also an avid angler who learned to fish in his home state of Tennessee with his father, Paul Overstreet, a well-known Nashville musician and composer. Screen Shot 2016-03-21 at 3.02.51 PM.png We at TU posed a few questions for Overstreet, and he was gracious enough to send along his answers. Here goes: TU: How did you get started fishing? CO: Fishing has always been a bonding experience between me and my father. I grew up along the Harpeth River in Nashville and he would always walk me down there to fish. He taught me the importance of catch and release. When I think of fishing I think of him and quality man time. TU: What is your favorite fish to catch? CO: Trout, duh! They always make it a fun challenge. TU: What is your favorite fishing destination? CO: I took a weeklong 100-mile rafting trip with my uncle and we went catch and release trout fishing on the Salmon River in Idaho. TU: What made you choose Trout Unlimited when you launched your campaign? CO: My love for fishing and preserving wildlife was were it began, and since my nickname was always “Trouty Mouth” on TV it seemed like an obvious choice! I am very supportive of all the great work Trout Unlimited does to preserve the fresh water habitats for trout, salmon, and other species! The "Save the Trout" campaign lasts through this week, so if you haven't bought your shirt yet, please do so as soon as possible. After this week, Overstreet's "Save the Trout" shirt will be a collector's item. Thank you, Chord, for helping TU make fishing better for everyone. We very much appreciate your help.