Submitted by sweiter302 on Mon, 2022-10-03 06:03 Iroquois - 002 Vote Up Down +51 + Limestone Creek Redd Survey Fall 2022Date: October 29, 2022Rain Date: November 19, 2022In an effort to get a handle on the spawning success of brown trout in Limestone Creek, theIroquois Chapter will be conducting a survey of spawning sites (Redds) in reaches of the streamthat contain areas of suitable habitat.The first section will be from the bridge in Canal Landing Park in Fayetteville upstream to thedam at the Highbridge on Route 92 between Lyndon and Manlius. Depending on numbers ofparticipants, we may break this section down into three areas:1. Canal Landing Park to Limestone Plaza Bridge in Fayetteville2. Fayetteville to Hullar’s Spring Ponds Fisheries3. Spring Ponds Fisheries to the Highbridge dam.The second section will be from the Manlius Sewage treatment plant up through Mill Run Parkin the Village of Manlius. Again, depending on participants we’ll break this section into threeareas as follows:1. Manlius Sewage treatment plant upstream to bridge on Route 173 Bridge2. Route 173 Bridge upstream to behind Hollowick (beginning of park.)3. Beginning of Mill Run Park upstream past Pavilion to beginning of private property.Ideally, we’ll have a minimum of 12 participants so each reach can be covered by teams of 2.We’ll be looking for evidence of redd preparation (bottom detritus and algae cleaned from thestream bottom in stony/gravel areas. You may see mature trout nearby, but most likely not asmuch spawning activity takes place under cover of darkness.Chapter members interested in participating please contact Bob Alexander or 315-373-4665 or you can contact Steve Weiter or 585-415-1680. Please leave your name, phone number and e-mailaddress so we can contact you prior to the survey to coordinate teams and meeting locations.