Submitted by tara.granke on Fri, 2016-07-29 13:40 TU Teens Youth Camps & Academies Trout & Salmon in the Classroom (TIC/SIC) Fishing with kids Mid-Atlantic Potomac-Patuxent - 236 National Capital - 011 Maryland - 167 Vote Up Down +154 + P6200244 (1).JPG Rachel is pictured above dissecting a perch during a Fish of Montana presentation and discussion by Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks. By Rachel Bernard Montana is the ultimate trout fly fishing destination in the United States. When I learned that Trout Unlimited’s annual Teen Summit would be held there, I was excited. Visiting the great state of Montana had been a dream, but the summit made it a reality. My parents dropped me off at Camp Watanopa on breathtaking Georgetown Lake, surrounded by the gorgeous Pintler Mountains. I headed straight to the lake and hooked up with a monster rainbow trout! What a great way to start the summit. While at the summit I met and became friends with teens who are just as passionate about fly fishing and trout as I am. I also got to hear some great speakers who spoke on subjects such as the native fish of Montana, and how an eyewear company is helping promote Trout Unlimited and fly fishing. We were able to fish as many as three times a day, and I caught some great fish. We had great discussions, too. I heard other summiteers’ ideas on how to get other teens hooked on the sport. It was super-encouraging to know that I’m not the only kid out there who loves every aspect of fly fishing. I made some great memories during the summit and I was able to do it in the fly fishing mecca of Montana. I also got to fish a new kind of trout water - a lake, and I caught my largest brown trout yet! I hope to always be involved with Trout Unlimited. Rachel_TroutRd.png Rachel got involved with TU through the Mid-Atlantic Council's Trout in the Classroom program. Rachel is a licensed hunter through the Izaak Walton League, a swim team mentor, and lead trumpeter in her school's band. She is now also a member of the YLC. The YLC is the volunteer body made up of TU Teens that helps to set the direction of TU’s Youth Education Initiative. Members of the YLC are passionate leaders bringing the mission of TU to their local communities while working on a broader scale to contribute to TU’s Youth Education Initiative at the national level. Read more about the Summit from the Youth Program Director, Franklin Tate, from his reflection. Read other reflections like the one from returning Summiteer extraordinnaire Andrew D. And Gavin's reflection which focuses on their endangered bull trout stream restoration project.