Submitted by shauna_sherard on Tue, 2013-12-17 09:33 Vote Up Down +2 + Demane it bumper sticker3.jpg As anglers, we know the importance of public lands in the West. And we probably also know the problems that can arise when those especially sensitive lands are targeted for energy development. It's not always a happy ending. With that in mind, Trout Unlimited has been working with it's national partners to find a better balance between development and conservation on western public lands through a coalition called Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development, or SFRED. But we need your help to continue that work. Sign on to our Sportsmen's Bill of Rights and support the legacy of public lands. It costs nothing and you're not going to see a landslide of spam email from us. Help us tell Congress how important balance is to sportsmen. Go to for more information. Background: Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development is a coalition of more than 500 businesses, organizations and individuals dedicated to conserving irreplaceable habitats so future generations can hunt and fish on America's public lands. The coalition is led by Trout Unlimited, the National Wildlife Federation, and the Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership. The Bill of Rights: The Sportsmen for Responsible Energy Development Bill of Rights was created by hunters and anglers who want to ensure that public lands remain a great place to hunt and fish, long into the future. We know that that public lands have an important role in the development of our country’s energy resources. We also know that it is possible to develop energy resources and protect vital fish and game habitat at the same time energy resources are being developed, but fish and wildlife need to get a fair shake. Where you come in: Become a business, organizational or individual partner by signing the Sportsmen’s Bill of Rights today and help to ensure that our Western hunting and fishing heritage is conserved for future generations. It costs nothing. Go to to sign up today.