Support JHTU at 2 Fly Fishing Film Tour Screenings in March!

Join Jackson Hole Trout Unlimited at the Fly Fishing Film Tour this March - get your tickets soon before they sell out! A portion of the proceeds from this year's F3T screenings will benefit future JHTU fish rescues by supporting the purchase of a backpack electrofishing unit, so we hope to see you there!

March 20th, 2022
High Point Cider, Victor ID
Doors Open at 6:00 pm
Films Start 7:00 pm
Tickets ONLY at WorldCast Anglers Fly Shop

March 21st, 2022
Center for the Arts, Jackson WY
Doors Open at 6:00 pm
Films Start 7:00 pm
Tickets ONLY at Center Box Office (CLICK HERE)

The Fly Fishing Film Tour 2022 has arrived and WorldCast Anglers has two viewings for your angling pleasure!  Just like in years past, the Fly Fishing Film Tour has selected a top-notch film lineup with stories that span the globe! These films are sure to get you fired up for the season ahead. As always, there will be some awesome fly fishing raffle prizes and all proceeds will be donated to local non-profits and conservation organizations.


This year’s 16th annual show is chock-full of the best films are sure to feed your fishing addiction. From Costa Rica to Australia to Louisiana and beyond, you can expect to see exciting action and amazing stories of anglers from across the globe. Join us for this year’s F3T and get excited to grab a rod and hit the water this upcoming season.



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