Submitted by w.n.davis on Wed, 2023-03-29 06:32 Gary Borger - 596 Vote Up Down +14 + Sycamore-seeds.jpg Help us collect Sycamore seeds! The Wisconsin Forestry Department and TUDARE have a project to grow seedlings from Sycamore seeds, which will be planted along trout streams by TU members. Sycamore trees are climate-tolerant, grow fast with great root systems (that hold stream banks) and provide a large canopy to shade streams. If you have access to a Sycamore tree in your yard or neighborhood, we need you to collect those ping pong sized seed clusters that are falling off the tree now. Just keep them in a paper bag and take them inside to dry out a bit. Bring them to the next chapter meeting or contact us to arrange a collection.