The Terminator get's it right, again.

As I discuss renewable energy with hunters and anglers across the West I have noticed something.  The non-climate change believers, as well as those who do believe, but who oppose any type of development on public lands including renewable energy seem to always try to bait me into a climate change debate that can quickly consume any conversation. I usually just hope that whoever it is takes away the message that warming climate is the greatest threat ever to cold water fisheries and thus fly fishing.  I was fortunate to be at the Clean Energy Summit the other day in Vegas when Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger addressed the attendees about changing our actions in response to climate change. The full copy of the following press can be viewed at Governor Schwarzenegger made a compelling argument to change the way activists advocate clean energy, focusing on jobs, health, and national security instead of ice caps. "We're using a one-legged stool - climate change. When you only use one leg, you fall over. We need to use all four legs so that we have a stable argument that convinces people. I've had enough of the guilt - we need to make this sexy and hip. Don't get rid of the Hummer, just use an electric engine," Schwarzenegger said. But it ended on an inspirational note. "When did America ever say, 'Let someone else lead the way'? When did we ever say, 'Let some other country go first'? This is the greatest country in the world because we never waited. And we shouldn't be waiting on clean energy," closed Schwarzenegger.

I have to admit, I have always liked this guy from his Playboy Magazine interview to the Terminator.  Whatever you think about Governor Schwarzenegger, his politics or personal life, he nailed this one. For those of you who still don’t understand here it is in simpler terms.  Renewable energy good, Renewable energy build jobs in rural areas, make air clean. U.S. need to be number one in renewable energy, not China. Renewable energy not require Middle East war, bring peace and prosperity.  If that doesn’t do it, there is always the tailpipe. 


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