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Many sportsmen/women and conservationist seem to have mixed feelings about renewable energy these days.  As I travel the country to do my job as renewable energy coordinator for Trout Unlimited I hear many who are concerned about the footprint that renewable energy projects leave especially when on [ READ MORE... ]
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GREAT FALLS — An operations center in California can shut down wind turbines 1,200 miles away in Montana in fewer than 30 seconds when the flight patterns of golden eagles and other raptors indicate a potential collision in the making. The quick response is possible because of tracking radar, “ [ READ MORE... ]
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http://www.santafenewmexican.com/opinion/my_view/reader-view-preserving-open-space-in-best-american-tradition/article_f99bfb5c-07dc-50fe-bd92-5ef53c9d0c2e.html   This is a great OpEd about how public lands uses compliment each other: hunter access; public lands protection and management; and, [ READ MORE... ]
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Steven Brutger and Louis Cahill search for Cutthroats and Balance in the Wyoming Range in the most recent issue of This Is Fly Magazine. Please have a look and read why the Wyoming Range should stay as it is.   If you haven't read Louis Cahill and Kent Klewein's blog 'Gink and Gasoline' take some [ READ MORE... ]
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With water on the minds of many in the west - too much for some and too little for others - finding ways to manage that challenge is going to be at the forefront of many discussions in the future. A blog from the American Wind Energy Association notes that wind turbines can help solve the problem [ READ MORE... ]
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I am an optimist, maybe even to a fault, and its an attribute I share with many of you who love to hunt and fish.  It is that mindset that allows us to conjure up visions of trout at every bend in the river, causes us to endure all kinds of weather waiting for the next hatch, or that tells us that [ READ MORE... ]
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For those who are interested in why energy development matters to trout, and how renewable energy can provide more water than any other one action, please visit the American Wind Energy Association Blog site at http://aweablog.org/blog/post/connecting-the-dots-trout-water-and-renewable-energy . [ READ MORE... ]
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By Shane Cross Not many anglers can deny climate change anymore – many of us have seen first hand the changes on our rivers and streams in recent years. And while we can go round on the politics, the outlook, and the answer, the fact is if the models are even a little bit true – the tiniest bit – [ READ MORE... ]
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This article was originally posted on the Orvis web site at  http://www.orvis.com/news/fly-fishing/an-upstream-journey-dispatch-9-fighting-huge-rainbow-trout-and-talking-climate-change/#.UhduVhukpLM Written by: Phil Monahan Sense of time has never been my strong suit. Despite my best efforts, I’m [ READ MORE... ]
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As I discuss renewable energy with hunters and anglers across the West I have noticed something.  The non-climate change believers, as well as those who do believe, but who oppose any type of development on public lands including renewable energy seem to always try to bait me into a climate change [ READ MORE... ]

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