Submitted by loriday2005 on Thu, 2022-08-04 08:32 Tualatin Valley - 633 Vote Up Down +25 + Pale Morning Dun edited.jpg THE TROUT LINE August 16, 2021 Welcome to The Trout Line Newsletter! This is our Tualatin Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter newsletter that will be coming out twice a month on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of the month. September's Chapter MeetingGreat news! Lucky Lab is back open so we will be having our September 8 Chapter meeting in person! We are so excited to see everybody again. Lucky Labrador Public House 7675 SW Capitol Hwy. Portland, OR 97219 (503) 244-2537. Food and beverage are available. Social get together starts at 6:30 pm and the formal meeting starts at 7:00 pm unless otherwise noted in the newsletter or website. Fly of the Month - Pale Morning Dun Written by Mike Gentry OK - admittedly, this pattern is somewhat delicate given its smallness. But hey, everyone needs to stretch their limits now and then! No one will dispute that Pale Morning Duns should be a standard member of the Basic Dozen flies in our vests. Materials: Hook: Tiemco 100 #s 16-18 Thread: Cream or pale Yellow 8/0 Tail: Ginger hackle splines Body: Cream or pale yellow superfine dubbing Hackle: Brown partridge Wing: "Clear" or light amber Z-lon1. Tie in a tail of six or so ginger hackle fibers, the tail approximately the length of the body. 2. Wind the thread forward about 3/4 of the distance from the tail tie-in point to the back of the eye. 3. Snip a 1 1/2 inch or so piece of Z-lon. Divide with a bobbin and fingers so that you're only using about 1/2 of the strands (about 12 or so individual strands). There will only be a "hint" of a sparkly wing. 4. Tie in the Z-lon on top of the hook with most of it sticking forward; tightly wrap the back end of the Z-lon with three or four wraps. Snip the rest of the Z-lon in back as close to the tie-in point as possible.5. Holding the Z-lon straight up with one hand, put two or three tight wraps of thread against the front (eye-side) of the Z-lon to hold it in an upright position.6. Wind the thread back to the tail tie-in point, make a dubbing loop and dub in a thin, slightly increasing body to wind over the hook to just behind the upright Z-lon. Tie of and clip the excess.7. Tie in a ginger or light brown hackle, butt-end first, and make four or five wraps behind and two or three wraps in front of the Z-lon. I find it easy to move the upright Z-lon out of the way of the wrapping by moving it with my fingertips when I wrap. Tie off and clip.8. Finish the head with thread wraps, clip and hold with a small drop of head cement.9. Holding the Z-long up with your fingers, clip it off just about the top of the hackle to finish the wings. More Information: TVTU Website: TVTU Facebook Page: C4C Facebook Page: