Submitted by tara.granke on Wed, 2016-03-16 13:08 Stream Explorers Trout & Salmon in the Classroom (TIC/SIC) Vote Up Down +5 + Whitson5.jpg By Tara Granke Trout, Salmon, and Steelhead in the classroom participants across the country were invited in January to take part in the 2016 quilting project. Twenty-five classrooms signed up from eleven states: OH, CA, NY, VT, UT, PA, MD, SC, OK, NJ, and SD. This year's theme is COMMUNITY. OHTIC5.jpeg Squares from Ms. Grimm's 6th grade Dalton, OH classroom that raises rainbow trout. Teachers were instructed to have their students create quilt squares reflecting their learning about community this year through Trout/Salmon in the Classroom. Many of the students created squares around the book Trout are Made of Trees, which teaches the trout food chain. Whitson2.jpg The finished squares, along with a correspondence letter, are sent to other classes who are participating in the project. The final result and outcome—after sewn together—is a beautiful, colorful quilt! (This project was inspired, in part, by the JASON project.) Lincon_VT(4).jpg Squares from a Lincoln, VT classroom whose squares were inspired by "the beautiful mountains and rivers that surround our community." The Headwaters Youth Education Program works with TU chapters and teachers across the country to bring meaningful experiences into the classroom to teach environmental education. We thank everyone who participated this year. If you are interested in participating next year, the project will be announced in January on the TIC/SIC Ntional Network. Whitson1.jpg The finished quilt of Ms. Whitson's class in Wast Earl, PA who works with the Donegal Chapter.