Trout Can't Relocate if it's Hot

I live in New Mexico, pretty much ground zero for climate change's impact on threatened trout species (Gila and Rio Grande cutthroat trout). This won't always be the case, of course, as ground zero will migrate north if the climate crisis continues to be ignored. Consider this news piece about one of Montana's fabled trout fisheries, the Bitteroot River. Even if my state's trout could just split to beat the heat, it appears they'd have to go quite a ways, north of the Bitteroot anyway, to do themselves any good. Time to get to work. Let's start by doing whatever we can to pass bills like the Public Lands Renewable Energy Development Act. Contact your congress members; chances are that at least one of them is a cosponsor. Sign up your area sportsmen groups.


said on Thursday, August 15th, 2013

The rivers have certainly been bony up here in MT. Can you tell me more about the Public Lands Renewable Energy Deveopment Act?

said on Thursday, August 15th, 2013


Thanks for the question, Brennan. 

PLREDA presents a royalty system whereby new renewable energy projects on public lands would generate revenue for counties and states where those projects are built. A portion of royalties would also be dedicated to mitigating project impacts on fish and wildlife habitat, also to federal debt reduction. It's but one tool that we need on the renewable front. As you might imagine, we mainly need to build some high quality renewable projects with the lowest possible impact, be they on public land or private.

said on Thursday, August 15th, 2013

Thanks for the explanation. That's great. It seems like a pretty common-sense approach to mitigating any issues that may crop up due to renewable development. I'll be sure to write my representatives.

said on Thursday, August 15th, 2013

Your Senator Tester is the leader on the Senate bill. I'm sure they'd let you know how you can help. Rounding up your local sportsmen's groups is a great tool.


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