Trout Unlimited TAPS Men's Retreat in Montana!

Trout Unlimited VSP is pleased to be partnering with TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) http://www.taps.orgto help host a Men's Retreat at Parade Rest Ranch near West Yellowstone, Montana from August 26th through August 29th.  TAPS provides grief counseling and support for family members who have lost loved ones in military service, and TU was honored to co-host a TAPS Men's Retreat in Montana in 2014 that was a wonderful event.  37 participants and TAPS staff will enjoy some wonderful western hospitality at Parade Rest Ranch, and local fly fishing guides, fly shops, and outfitters have stepped up to provide 24 guided fly fishing trips down the world famous Madison River.  Combine with a special one day trip into Yellowstone National Park, you have a trip of a life-time!  Stay tuned for a report and some pictures! 


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