TU Blogger Tour: Who's Who?

As many of you know, TU, with the gracious support of Fishpond, RIO Products and Tenkara USA, visited Southeast Alaska's Tongass National Forest in July with a host of writers, bloggers and photographers with the hope that shining a little light on the fly fishing opportunities in the region would raise awareness of our Tongass 77 campaign among the recreational fishing crowd.

From July 15 through 21, seven of us flew, floated and hiked the streams of the Tongass, where we caught dozens--more likely hundreds--of pink salmon and some of the most enthusiastic Dolly Varden found anywhere. 

Here's a bit about each tour attendee, and where you might look in the days and weeks ahead for their writing and photographs from this year's TU Blogger Tour.

Kirk Deeter: Deeter is the editor of TROUT Magazine and TU's new director of strategy and outreach. He also blogs at Field & 

Stream's Fly Talk page, and is one of the co-founders and publishers of Angling Trade Magazine.

Steve Duda: Duda is the editor of the Fly Fish Journal, one of the prettiest magazines on the market that emphasizes outstanding photography and quality prose about fly fishing.

Earl Harper: Harper is the owner of Harper Studios in Seattle, and he's a well-known international shooter. His images from the tour are simply breathtaking.

Chad Shmukler: Shmukler is the editor of Hatch Magazine and one of two winners in the annual TU Blogger Tour essay contest. 

Shortly after Chad toured the Tongass with us, he left for an extended visit to Bristol Bay.

Matt Smythe: Smythe is best known as the Fishing Poet--he's also an accomplished filmmaker. His latest film, "A Deliberate Life," was featured in the 2013 International Fly Fishing Film Festival. 

Hal Herring: Hal is one of the foremost conservation writers in the country, and he has an uncanny ability to boil complex issues down to their basic ingredients. He blogs as The Conservationist at Field & Stream.

Chris Hunt: Hunt is TU's director of national communications, and a freelance fly fishing writer and blogger who's work has appeared in numerous publications around the country ranging from the New York Times to American Angler. 

He's also the author of a pair of fly fishing books, with a third on the way next spring.





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