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We spend hours tying, wading and casting, often only to give the fish we catch back to the river. We plant willows, build fences and raise money for restoration. We give back to the resources that give us our identity and grow the angling community. As one of the oldest and largest companies in fly [ READ MORE... ]
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The Next Steps for Bristol Bay By Tim Bristol Recently, we reached a significant waypoint on the long, winding road to Bristol Bay Protection but it’s important remember the journey is far from over. On February 28th The EPA sent a letter to the State of Alaska, the Pebble Limited Partnership and [ READ MORE... ]
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Rekindling the Republican Side of Conservation Former Alaska State Senate President Rick Halford, a republican, speaks to the responsibility that we have to protect Bristol Bay's renewable resources in this short video.    “Democracy way over represents the need and greed of the present; and way [ READ MORE... ]
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By Dwayne Meadows and Scott Hed You’ve worked pretty darn hard at this. You’ve called, written letters, donated and answered the calls to action nearly every time we’ve asked. Thank you. Because you and thousands of others weighed in, the EPA released their Bristol Bay Watershed Assessment on Jan [ READ MORE... ]
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We all dream of a life on the water.  Sneaking a flow update at work, many of us pause and think if I could quit my job and work in the fishing industry all would be wonderful.  Maybe I would guide, own a shop, work in conservation, I might just go out to my garage and invent something wonderful [ READ MORE... ]
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Bristol Bay in the News   Northern Dynasty CEO remains optimistic about future of Pebble Mine project in Alaska By Becky Bohrer Associated Press 11/21/2013 Critics have sought to cast Anglo's departure as a sign the project is in trouble but Thiessen brushed any such suggestions aside. He said the [ READ MORE... ]
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My buddy Matt Miller, who blogs for The Nature Conservancy, posted something really profound recently that  P9070064.jpg reminded me of days gone by when life was simple and fishing was even simpler. Matt's piece is all about nostalgia, and how remembering the "good old days" is a good [ READ MORE... ]
blog BY chris_hunt ON November 12 - 0 COMMENTS
The State of TU 2013
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State of Trout Unlimited Shortened Version - 2013   Chris Wood, president and CEO of Trout Unlimited, delivers the annual State of TU presentation to members during September's annual meeting in Madison, Wisc.
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It’s hard not to be frustrated with the Forest Service. If this bloated federal bureaucracy isn’t wasting taxpayer dollars on money-losing timber sales in Southeast Alaska, its officials are whining about how costly public-use cabins are to maintain in the Tongass National Forest. Or as the case [ READ MORE... ]
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Another prominent co-sponsor signed onto a bill that would protect large portions of the Thompson Divide area from energy development. Sen. Mark Udall joined the Thompson Divide Withdrawal and Protection Act as a co-sponsor on Thursday, prompting another wave of support from sportsmen. "There's [ READ MORE... ]

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