TU statement on bi-partisan Sportsmen's Act

The bi-partisan Sportsmen's Act passed through the Senate Committee for Environment and Public Works. 


By the TU Government Affairs Team

Today, the Senate Committee for Environment and Public Works voted to pass S. 659, the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2015.  TU has long supported efforts to pass a comprehensive package of measures to protect and enhance opportunities for recreational hunting and fishing, and conserve fish and wildlife resources.  We are pleased that the committee took action to move the Sportsmen’s Act of 2015 one step closer to becoming law. 

Trout Unlimited is particularly pleased with the committee’s vote to include measures supporting the National Fish Habitat Conservation Act, National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and the Great Lakes Restoration Initiative Act.  

These programs support some of the nation’s best and most successful conservation investments—facilitating effective partnerships between local, state, and federal partners and helping to leverage federal and private dollars to support local governments and private landowners protect and restore thousands of acres of habitat across the country.  TU thanks the committee—in particular Sens. Inhofe, Boxer, Crapo and Cardin—for their support of these programs.  

While we are pleased with the committee’s action to reauthorize these critical conservation programs, we are concerned about several controversial amendments that were added during the committee mark-up that might ultimately jeopardize passage of this bill into law.  

We look forward to continuing to work with members of the committee and members of the Senate to continue moving the Sportsmen’s Act forward through Congress.  





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