Submitted by mtdave on Tue, 2015-04-14 07:06 Veterans Service Partnership Utah Single Fly National Leadership Council - NLC Vote Up Down +7 + P6230150.JPG Following is a wonderful story about the great Veterans Service Partnership (VSP) and Project Healing Waters program being offered to Tulsa area veterans. One of the participants, Bill Dunham, featured in the story was, with his wife Brenda, a participant in a nationally sponsored TU VSP Couples event in 2014 to Montana and Yellowstone Park. In the following story, Bill speaks of the impact this VSP trip and TU had on his becoming involved in fly fishing for trout. Thanks to TU Board of Trustees member Scott Hood for his work on this fine veterans program. Way to go Scott! If you would like more information on TU's VSP program, please contact national VSP director Alan Folger at or Dave Kumlien, VSP Western Coordinator at