Submitted by chris_hunt on Tue, 2018-06-26 11:33 Trout Magazine Climate Change Vote Up Down +3 + Screen Shot 2018-06-26 at 12.34.21 PM.png We've had some fun with carp lately here on the TU blog. Our post earlier this week on catching and eating them turned into Facebook frenzy that included everything from face-palms from folks who'd never consider ingesting carp flesh to a pretty tasty-looking carp cheese dip recipe (yes, I'm serious). Carp On A Fly - Alcova Wyoming Video of Carp On A Fly - Alcova Wyoming While my own personal jury is still out on whether I'd actually eat a carp, let it be known that, given a choice, I'd almost rather pursue carp with a fly than any other freshwater fish close to home. If you haven't found the carp honey-hole near you (and chances are, there is one), you're missing out on some truly spectacular fly rodding. They are among the hardest-fighting fish in fresh water—something anglers in Europe have known for centuries. They're also wily and challenging and they can be incredibly spooky. You'll need your A-game. And, thanks to their introduction in the U.S. in the 1800s, we have plenty of them. Simply put, they're an underutilized fly fishing resource. And, with high summer approaching and news of drought and widlfire running rampant in the West, many of our trout waters will be too warm to fish. Don't despair. Load up the 7-weight, arm yourself with some 'Buggers and go chase carp. And no, you don't have to eat them. — Chris Hunt