When Communities Care

When the venue goes silent in anticipation is when you know that community cares. 

When thoughtful questions are asked is when you know a community cares.

When outfitters, anglers, business owners, sportsmen and women show up is when you know a community cares.

For three consecutive nights last week I leaned back in my chair to observe. Slowly scanning the crowds in the small Colorado towns of Rifle, Paonia and Carbondale I noticed sportsmen and women of all ages coming together to be informed about critical issues facing the Thompson Divide and to be entertained by the colorful films of The Hunting Film Tour

"It was exciting to see lots of new faces at the Hunting Film Tour. Our hope is that these folks will become more engaged because the voice of sportsmen and women is critical to ultimately protecting the wild character of the Thompson Divide,” said Aaron Kindle of Trout Unlimited.

The fact remains that these communities do care and Trout Unlimited continues to listen to each and every one of them as they voice their concerns for the pristine public lands in which they fish and hunt year after year. 


said on Friday, March 14th, 2014

Thanks for the story Josh. Realy enjoy all the communities we build in TU.

P.S. met some of you friends from the IMBA out here in DC. 


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