Submitted by Brennan on Thu, 2013-05-09 14:05 Greater Yellowstone Area The Front Porch Vote Up Down +61 + blog_westslope_cuttie.jpg It's easy to focus on the dramatic decline in Yellowstone Cutthroat numbers in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem — but they're not the only native fish in trouble. They're not even the only cutthroat in trouble. When Lewis and Clark camped at the Great Falls of the Missouri River 200 years ago and discovered the westslope and Yellowstone cutthroat trout, the species was numerous and unchallenged as the only trout east of the Continental Divide. With the exception of northeast Montana, the cutthroat’s two subspecies ranged throughout the entire state’s waters. Jolene Keller at the Lone Peak Lookout in southwest Mont. looks at another native cutthroat facing competition from non-native species. Learn how MT FWP is planning to help protect these native fish. Photo Courtesy the National Park Service