Submitted by bigsur on Mon, 2024-12-09 13:14 Great Smoky Mountain - 047 Vote Up Down +265 + BEAR.jpg ☆☆YOUR INVITED!☆☆ NEW YEAR’S DAY WEDNESDAY JANUARY 1ST 2025 ______________ “BIGSUR’S NEW YEAR’S DAY KARMA TRADITION” METCALF BOTTOMS-GREAT SMOKY MOUNTAINS PARK __________________________ "Yes, the New Year is just around the corner and the Great Smoky Mountains most highly anticipated event of the year is only days away!" Join us on Wednesday, January 1st 2025 New Year’s Day at Metcalf Bottoms Picnic area in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park. “Once again, with the passing of a year I have maintained my youthful appearance and physique while the rest of my friends and cohorts have deteriorated and aged terribly."-BigsurThis is the 14th year officially for Big Sur's New Year’s Day Tradition and I invite everyone to stop by Metcalf Bottoms picnic area off Little River Rd between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm Wednesday, January 1st, 2025 New Year’s Day. Throw a line and get your fishing karma on for 2025. This is the very description of unorganized and unsponsored by any group, just fishin’ fanatics and friends gathering for a minute of casting, telling tall tales, outright lies and recounting the last year's escapades.As usual no event would be complete without a competition, and as tradition demands we will be competing for whoever catches the largest fish, uhh...make that any fish! Once again, the winner will receive the coveted Herb's Welding Shop hat and braggin rights for a year, where he or she will then have their picture taken in the hat, which we immediately take back cause it's the only hat we have! In addition, the winner receives a six pack of Armour's finest Vienna Sausage {DISCLOSURE: Armour denies any affiliation with this event and asks that we change to Hormel Potted Meat] "As we speak Duckypaddler is again hard at work in his secret underground lair creating the Big Sur's New Year’s Day winners 2025 plaque."Someone asked what to bring,...if you have never been to “Bigsur's New Year’s Day Tradition”, food is a big part of it. Just like every year in the past we provide hot dogs on the grill with fixin's, and hot coffee, we bring 10 x 10 pop up canopies for those of a weaker nature to huddle under again! Why even the Mr. Buddy heaters will make an appearance again like every year. We just ask you to bring a side item or dessert to share along with your beverage of choice. We will have multiple grills, and some have brought soups and chili in past year