Submitted by walt_gasson on Mon, 2018-07-09 15:00 Conservation The Front Porch Trout Magazine TU Businesses & Guides Outdoor Communicators Wild Steelheaders United Vote Up Down +11 + IMG_3673.jpg What do you call a team of great and passionate guides who love to do nothing but fly fish? In western New York, we call them Zero Limit Adventures. Zero Limit Adventures is a uniquely staffed guide service with expertise in various skills as well as diverse interests, backgrounds and personalities. ZLA provides guests with excellence in service throughout central and western New York’s diverse waterways. With a combined total of over 100 years of fishing experience, ZLA provides guiding services across the Lake Ontario and Erie Tributaries as well as New York trout streams that hold brook, brown and rainbow trout. If that’s not enough, they also fish the Finger Lakes and other surrounding areas for smallmouth and largemouth bass, pike and muskies. Zero Limit Adventures' team enjoys fishing the Lake Ontario and Erie tributaries for Atlantic, coho and king salmon, including trophy lake-run browns and steelhead that enter these waters. They target these salmon and trout from September to May. You will find members of the ZLA team fishing the entire stretch of New York state, from west to east. ZLA's guides understand the species they fish for and they can apply the appropriate tactics in any situation. Zero Limit Adventures always provides guests with a personalized and informative experience, no matter what the age or fishing experience of the client. We’re proud to have Zero Limit Adventures as a TU Business member. Zero Limit Adventures Michael D. De Rosa Webster, NY 14580 585-766-2421