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Upper Gunpowder Brook Trout Partnership
The Upper Gunpowder Watershed Brook Trout Partnership is a coalition of volunteers, community organizations, and governmental agencies, led by the Maryland Chapter (#167) to improve water quality and stream habitat, helping to conserve and restore brook... [ READ MORE... ]
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The article in the Baltimore Sun mentions Maryland Trout Unlimited but fails to give due credit a number of members of MDTU's Resource Commmitee and prior Executive Officers for the work on this project over the past several years. A great deal of credit should go to:
Tom Starrs: Past President of... [ READ MORE... ]
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Eight decades after the supply of trout in freshwater streams and rivers in the Eastern U.S. was seemingly close to being depleted, the fish and those who revel in the art of catching them are doing quite well.
Although plenty of work remains to be done, there are folks who give up much of their... [ READ MORE... ]
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On July 11 and 12th, Maryland Trout Unlimited co-hosted “Tenkara Jam on the Gunpowder” with A
ppalachian Tenkara Anglers and Great Feathers Fly Shop in Sparks, Maryland.
Nearly 100 people attended on one or both days of the Jam. During the Jam, participants saw... [ READ MORE... ]
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Improper permits issued for bridge demolition.
If anyone has seen floating creosote debris please contact or post to the blog.
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Follow the link to the full story in the Baltimore Sun
From the story:
So it went Saturday morning as 70 city youths — most of them first-time anglers —... [ READ MORE... ]
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Trout Unlimited Tri-State Conservation and Fishing Camp.
The Mid-Atlantic Council, along with the Trout Unlimited Councils of Virginia and West Virginia are proud supporters of the Tri-State Youth Camp,
Next June, 24 high school students, both male and female,will spend most of six days... [ READ MORE... ]
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Bee Tree Run Stream Monitoring Project - Saturday, September 20th, 2014
9 am to 1 pm - Bee Tree Preserve, Kittle Pavilion (Corner of Bee Tree Road and Kauffman Road0
Join Maryland Trout Unlimited on Saturday, September 20th for a trout stream habitat assessment seminar along Bee Tree Run in... [ READ MORE... ]
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Message From: Brent WallsUpper Potomac RiverkeeperPotomac Riverkeeper
The small town of Piedmont, WV has been facing some serious challenges with a depressed economy and a failing infrastructure. Adding to the problems of the Town is a... [ READ MORE... ]