Renew your membership today and help protect the future of our nation’s cold, clean, fishable water. Together, we can preserve the thrill of chasing wild fish in wild rivers.
Thanks to the leadership of elected officials in Oregon who understand the importance of wild places, and the value salmon and steelhead bring to our outdoor economy, there’s a decent chance that Oregon could end up with some new public lands protections in the next few days.
As we posted last week... [ READ MORE... ]
Fellow TU members,
I'm headed to Crane Prarie reservoir next week with the family to do some fishing. I've never fished their before and am hoping to gather some intel from any of my fellow fly fishermen/women that are in the know. What hatches are most abbundant this time of year and what... [ READ MORE... ]
River finally dropped to a level that was fishable. I have been having the itch to get out. After work, I got out for an hour with the Cabela's 5wt and did a little fishing. Caught a beautiful 17" Rainbow with a Black Wooley Bugger, brass bead head. Lost a second fish that was a little smaller.... [ READ MORE... ]
Emerging from volcanic bedrock, the Fall River has long been a place to escape the bustle of everyday life. Birders, bikers, hikers and trout-chasing anglers flock to the Fall River each year to enjoy its wild nature. And like so many beloved places it is showing signs of abuse. This past summer a... [ READ MORE... ]