Renew your membership today and help protect the future of our nation’s cold, clean, fishable water. Together, we can preserve the thrill of chasing wild fish in wild rivers.
There are a lot of people these days willing to make money and foward industrializtion with little respect towards the enviroment and ecology. Please share stories of conservation happening in your area.
Urge the U.S. House to pass the Natural Resources Management Act:
Act Now
By Chris Wood
The U.S. Congress may surpass the Department of Motor Vehicles as the least-popular part of the government.
Not today.
Thanks to the bipartisan work of Sens. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Maria Cantwell (D-WA),... [ READ MORE... ]
When Arctic char are caught (by angling) at sample sites, data is quickly collected from the fish prior to their release.
By Dave Huntress and Steve Brooke
Maine’s Kennebec Valley Trout Unlimited Chapter is in its second season of using environmental DNA sampling to detect the presence/absence of... [ READ MORE... ]
President Barack Obama on Kanakanak Beach in Dillingham, Alaska, with two locals and a soon-to-be-viral spawning salmon. Photo credit: The White House.
Story re-posted from The Arctic Sounder
By Jenny Weis
The sitting president of the United States visited Dillingham, Alaska in 2015 and picked fish... [ READ MORE... ]
Members of TU's Deerfield Watershed chapter work on their redd survey on their home river.
By Erin Rodgers
The past year has seen TU staff and volunteers in Massachusetts engaged in a variety of efforts in the field.
The Deerfield Watershed chapter had a big year in 2018, particularly with their... [ READ MORE... ]
By Shauna Stephenson
As a Montanan, a rural, progressive-leaning one at that, I don’t often consider myself to be in lockstep with many Texans.
Nothing against Texas. Truly. It just doesn’t occur to me that we may agree on many things – politics, music, Whataburger. But so goes the saying – people... [ READ MORE... ]
Fishing can be a serene and peaceful way to enjoy nature's beauty. Until you hurt yourself.
By Mark Taylor
I checked in with the folks last night and the talk soon turned to fishing.
I’ll be making the trip from Virginia to Oregon to see them in a couple of weeks. Dad said there should be plenty... [ READ MORE... ]
Photo courtesy of Magellanes Fly Fishing.
By Scott Willoughby
Take a stroll through the concourses of Denver International Airport this time of year, and the fly rod travel cases are nearly as ubiquitous as rubber rafts lining the local rivers in July. If not entirely a fishing town, Denver is a... [ READ MORE... ]
By John McMillan
In this post we review a recent before-and-after study on hatchery steelhead published by Barry Berejikian and Donald Van Doornick (find the study here). The goal of this long-term study, conducted in a handful of rivers in Hood Canal, Washington, was to determine if a well-... [ READ MORE... ]
Adding large wood to streams can help narrow over-widened channels and also provide a place for trout to hide from predators such as mergansers, which have been found to be decimating trout of certain sizes in the Battenkill.
By John Braico
The storied Battenkill, long recognized as a challenging... [ READ MORE... ]
I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again: One of the very best things about working in conservation is that you get to meet some truly outstanding human beings. Like Tim and Joan Flagler from Tightline Productions in Hunterdon County, NJ. These folks are the real deal.
I knew this before I ever met... [ READ MORE... ]