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Hello. I have three tough questions that I was hoping someone could help me with. Does anyone have a list of all 16 TU founders - the group that met on the Au Sable? Does anyone recognize this jacket? (see photo) Also, do any long-time members know of a William Denney? Thanks! Erik Young, Golden [ READ MORE... ]
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Hi everybody, I'm a kayak fishing beginner and I am searching for info on how to start (I live in the US).I found some interesting article on how to start kayak fishing, but do you know if this is realiable? They mention the Jackson Cuda 12.  Thank you for your answers!Quentin
discussion BY DerekYoung ON February 25 - 0 COMMENTS
SRF's Up!
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One of the biggest issues we've identified in the Headwaters, as well as across the basin, is access - keeping and improving what we have, restoring access that's been taken away, and establishing a common-sense set of guidelines to ensure that we have a consistent approach to the public's right to [ READ MORE... ]
discussion BY sinjin4131 ON November 16 - 0 COMMENTS
Defend the Colorado Campaign
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Wanted to let everyone know about an initiative we have going on here in Colorado.   We have developed a broad campaign to protect the Upper Colorado River from future transbasin diversions.   Check it out, Like us on Facebook, and take the pledge, at http://www.defendthecolorado.org Thank you!

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