Renew your membership today and help protect the future of our nation’s cold, clean, fishable water. Together, we can preserve the thrill of chasing wild fish in wild rivers.
There are a lot of people these days willing to make money and foward industrializtion with little respect towards the enviroment and ecology. Please share stories of conservation happening in your area.
By Chris Wood
"You just want to nudge it. Too often restoration work is over-engineered. The key is to simply nudge the system in the right direction, and then allow for natural processes to occur.” Gary leaned back and looked upstream. A smile crept up. “I had two anglers who told me they caught... [ READ MORE... ]
The effort to save wild salmon from California to Alaska has been costly, and with a few notable exceptions, largely ineffective. Humankind, over the centuries, has continually put up obstacle after obstacle for wild salmon to conquer, and the numbers are dwindling.
Artifishal | The Fight... [ READ MORE... ]
Alaska's inside passage. Photo courtesy of Custom Alaska Cruises
By Austin Williams
Spring is coming early in Alaska this year. The sun is out (most days), the snow is quickly melting, and our nearby streams are starting to gain flow. Before long, the first salmon will arrive and the annual... [ READ MORE... ]
Photo: Michael Robillard
By Kara Armano
Today, Trout Unlimited launched Sportsmen for the San Juan Mountains Wilderness to underscore the importance of protecting public lands for hunting and fishing opportunities. Partnering with conservation groups, businesses, and individuals, Trout Unlimited... [ READ MORE... ]
It's still a bit blustery here in the West. The only thing predictable about the weather is that it will be perfectly unpredictable. Yesterday in Idaho Falls, we endured an early spring snow squall followed by a quick downpour of rain and then enjoyed sunny skies the rest of the day. But we had to... [ READ MORE... ]
A golden trout, the state freshwater fish of California, in all its glory.
Editor’s note: To the extent that there can be an intersection between coldwater fisheries conservation and state angling regulations, and because fishing is the portal through which many people become interested in... [ READ MORE... ]
Editor's note: TU President and CEO Chris Wood was invited to testify before Congress on innovative approaches and economic development opportunities of abandoned mine land reclamation. TU hopes to work with Congress to advance legislation to support this type of restoration work, both on coal and... [ READ MORE... ]
A single fish can mean so much.
By Sam Davidson
A single fish made me really happy recently, and I wasn’t even fishing.
To be sure, this was no ordinary fish. It was a brute of a steelhead, as long as my arm and 12 pounds in heft, easy. So perhaps anyone seeing it languidly finning just upstream... [ READ MORE... ]
A nice Dolly Varden caught thanks to energy provided by peanuts. Photo by Eric Booton.
By Eric Booton
For better or worse, my wife and I are trying a diet. We aren’t the “diet type,” in that we don’t jump around from diet to diet or generally adhere to a strict diet. Currently though, we are aiming... [ READ MORE... ]
The American Museum of Fly Fishing and Johnny Morris' Wonders of Wildlife aquarium and museum in Springfield, Mo., will give curious anglers the chance to walk under a carefully crafted trout stream and see how trout move about the water column thanks to a new partnership between two entities.
In... [ READ MORE... ]