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Who says fly tiers can't just throw something together at the vise and come away with a winning pattern whenever they feel like it.
Not me. And not Tim Flagler, who clearly had some time on his hands and a boxful of Tim Egan nymphs nearby for inspiration.
Tungsten Rainbow Dart... [ READ MORE... ]
By Scott Willoughby
Everybody loves a little March Madness — that tumultuous time when your brain begins to go a bit haywire in anticipation of all the action and chaos to come.
And come it does, in any variety of forms.
With any luck, your March Madness “pool” includes an early blue-wing hatch... [ READ MORE... ]
By Chris Wood
Someone recently said to me, “Trout Unlimited should get out of political issues such as climate change and focus instead on what it does best—fixing streams!” Here is a secret… everything we do at Trout Unlimited helps our rivers, streams and fisheries withstand the harmful effects... [ READ MORE... ]
For most of us in the lower 48, brook trout are dimunitive creek-dwellers that we target and catch more for the aesthetics than for the actual battle, even on light tackle. We've lost much of our native brook trout habitat in the East and Midwest, and brookies in the Rockies are invasive and... [ READ MORE... ]
Invasive lake trout have impacted the entire Yellowstone ecosystem. Photo by Chris Hunt
A new report published by Science Advances and written by fisheries biologists—including the head fisheries manager in Yellowstone National Park—details the far-reaching impact invasive lake trout have on the... [ READ MORE... ]
It's been a long winter here in the West—most of us in the Rockies can still see snow on the grass. Winter's not done with us yet, but if you're like me, a little sunshine goes a long way—fishing with snow lining the river isn't always a bad thing when the sky is blue.
But this winter has been... [ READ MORE... ]
I use hemostats a lot on the water, particularly for trout I intend to release—it just makes hook removal easier, and there's less contact with the fish's slime coat and less potential for mortality after release.
But traditional hemostats, for a big guy like me with fat fingers, can be a bit... [ READ MORE... ]
I've become a big fan of UV-cure resins in my fly tying—I would suspect that a good 75 percent of the streamers I tie incorporate the glossy, hard finish offered by these products.
Glossy vs Penetrating Finish
Video of Glossy vs Penetrating Finish
But, as Tim... [ READ MORE... ]
My little brother came to Idaho for the first time ever this past weekend. It was an important visit—not only did it mark my 50th birthday, but it was also the first he and I had been together since we lost our middle brother last fall to ALS.
We had a great visit, even if the weekend is a bit... [ READ MORE... ]
Sometimes, where you eat is almost as important as where you fish.
By Toner Mitchell
Joe is the most deferential person I know, which has only been a problem once. We were fishing the Lower Stanislaus one winter and made a deal that whoever caught the most fish would get to choose where we would... [ READ MORE... ]