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by Franklin Tate, Headwaters Youth Program Director
The sixth annual TU Teen Summit will be held on the TU “Holy Waters” of the Au Sable in June 2017, with twenty five teen leaders from around the country converging for four days of planning, learning, fishing, and fun. TU’s Headwaters youth staff... [ READ MORE... ]
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Each fall, TU Camp and Academy graduates are invited to enter the TU Teen Essay Contest in which they share their camp experiences. This year we had four finalists, and Alexander's essay is the second in this series as the second runner-up. Alexander is from California and traveled all the way to... [ READ MORE... ]
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Each fall, TU Camp and Academy graduates are invited to enter the TU Teen Essay Contest in which they share their camp experiences. This year we had four finalists, and Natalie's essay is the first in this series as the third runner-up. Natalie is from Georgia and is pictured above on one of her... [ READ MORE... ]
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Photo and poem by Erich Frie, TU Teen member serving on the national Youth Leadership Council and Board Member of Hacklebarney TU, New Jersey.
Only in Dreams
I dream of a babbling brook
Untouched by man
That meanders through the countryside
But this is only in dreams
I dream of the purest... [ READ MORE... ]
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by Erich Frie, Youth Leadership Council Member, Hacklebarney TU Chapter of NJ
A mammoth part of cold water conservation is making sure the fish are healthy and ample in the rivers they inhabit. As most fishermen know, the concept of catch and release is a more recent movement in... [ READ MORE... ]
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Beck is a member of the Lackawanna Valley chapter in Pennsylvania. He is also the president of the Lackawanna Valley TU Teens club. 2016 was his first Summit and he has been a productive member of the Youth Leadership Council since this summer. The YLC is the volunteer body made up of TU Teens... [ READ MORE... ]
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Day by Day at the Teen Summit by Cameron Furr
Camp Watanopa, Georgetown Lake, Montana
This was a real camp with real camp accommodations. We had eight bunk beds per cabin, no AC or heat, and bathrooms across the way. We were fortunate to have a chef cook for us, and a really good chef at that... [ READ MORE... ]
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Erich is a member of the Hacklebarney chapter in New Jersey. He is also the founder of a fly-tying business called Fries Flies. Check them out at 2016 was his first Summit and he has been a very productive member of the Youth Leadership Council since this summer as a member of... [ READ MORE... ]
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Andrew C pictured above. This is the final installation of Reflections from the Teen Summit.. Thanks to all of the teens that shared their Teen Summit story. See links at end of article to read more reflections,
By Andrew Culver
Pretty much since last year’s summit in North Carolina, I have... [ READ MORE... ]
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By Dane Johnson
As I reflect over a summit filled with such extraordinary people with strong ambitions, I also contemplate why I wanted to join this year’s National Teen Summit in Montana. I remember finding an ad in the paper for a thirty dollar fly fishing camp sponsored by TU and definitely... [ READ MORE... ]