Aquatic Invasive Species/ Clean Angling


said on Monday, September 23rd, 2013

If you are headed to the annual meeting in Madison, please check out the wader and boot washing stations built by a Wisconsin TU member and his Boy Scout troop for anglers headed out to fish on the hosted fishing days.  A hearty thank you to Matt Krueger and Laura McFarland, both TU members and on the staff of the River Alliance of Wisconsin, for putting this all together.  In addition to having the stations available, they will be manned by local AIS professionals who will advise anglers on proper equipment cleaning methods and provide aquatic invasive species information.  Following the annual meeting, these wash stations will be deployed to area fly fishing shops!  Please practice clean angling and inspect, clean, and dry your gear and avoid moving fish, fish parts, plants or water between drainages.  Adopting clean angling practices will help reduce the risk of introductoin and spread of aquatic invasive species.  Thank you!


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