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This group is a great place to ask questions about the site. Before you ask a question, look through the existing posts to see if someone has already aske the same question. Having all of these topics in one place will help us make a useful support section for future users.


said on Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

should i start a new folder for every set or group of photos, or should i just make myself a general folder for all my pictures?  I make bamboo rods and would like to start a folder of the work im on, or rods i just finished. as well as photos of the fish i catch, adventures im taking, ect.

It seems a little excessive to make a folder for every new trip or day out with the camera.

just curious!


said on Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

I think it would a lot of sense to make a gallery for Fish Photos, as well as a gallery for Bamboo Rods. Maybe a gallery for a special trip, like your recent Wyoming to SD trip. I think that would be the easiest way for people to see them.

said on Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

word sounds good to me! thanks

said on Tuesday, August 30th, 2011

word sounds good to me! thanks

said on Thursday, September 1st, 2011

on the galleries where it scrolls the thumbnails of the photographs, there is a photo that gets hidden as you scroll. you cant ever click on it unless you get it while its scrolling from one set to the next.

I dunno if that makes much sense, you can see it on the gallery of bamboo. one photo gets hidden by the edge

said on Monday, September 5th, 2011

Got it, I've added it to my list of bugs to fix. I'll let you know when I get that taken care of.

said on Tuesday, September 6th, 2011

This is a new comment.

said on Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

When uploading pictures, can you all look into, instead of looking up 1 picture at a time, you can upload a whole album or folder

said on Wednesday, September 7th, 2011

i had trouble with this at first but figured it out.


when you go to add the photo look below the spot where your photo would be uploaded, it will say upload another item. click that and wait a sec. another uploading slot will appear. you can get as many of those as you want. just after clicking the upload button for each one it needs a second so wait like one or two seconds between clicking upload on each slot

said on Thursday, September 8th, 2011

i know that but i am talking about selecting a whole or part of a file and uploading it as a whole not as seperate pictures

said on Monday, September 12th, 2011

Agreed - batch uploading would be a helpful feature for photo albums.

said on Monday, September 12th, 2011

Thanks guys, batch uploading has been added to the list of feature requests.

said on Friday, September 23rd, 2011

Brennan,  I submitted several suggestions through the feedback link at the bottom but thought that I would add them here again.

- Events calendar module on dashboard and homepage shows the calendar date in reverse order (at least in the US).  I prefer month, day, year.  Also, the time is currently set to 24hr instead of 12hr.

- I suppose eventually this database will be linked with the membership database to draw in all our member info etc...

- I prefer links to websites out of the homesite to open in a new window so that users do not loose their link to the homesite. This may help in our retention numbers



said on Friday, September 23rd, 2011

additionally, I do not like the fact that these comments are titled with the leading part of the comment...should it not carry the title of the main topic so it works more like a forum?

said on Friday, September 23rd, 2011

hey why is my profile pic not my profile pic in this post?  It references the Admin pic.  Hmmm!

said on Tuesday, September 27th, 2011

I've got that on the list as well. Hopefully we'll start to get these little bugs ironed out in October. Thanks a million for all of your suggestions, keep 'em coming.

said on Monday, October 17th, 2011

Inserting pictures into discussions, fishing reports etc.

I'm having trouble doing this.  Can you give us a few simple tips?



said on Saturday, November 19th, 2011

Still having issues with this. Can't figure out how to get them to display the size I want to. They seem to either show as gigantic photos (or parts of a gigantic photo) at the top of a post, or fairly small down in the body.  I've been getting by with some real crude workarounds, but I know there must be more efficient ways to do this.
Are there any generic Drupal tutorials you are aware that might help?



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