Fishing Friend

Groups audience 

I'm not sure if this group is active or not, but I thought I would post something here?  I'm starting to fish the mad and curious if anyone was interested in exploring the river with me?  I've fished it about 6 times north of urbana.  The only fish I have caught/found are sucker fish.  I have not found the trout.  Anyone interested in exploring the river with me?  Or maybe pointing someone new to the mad to some decent locations?  I'm starting to think the trout are mythical in the mad. :)  If the group has a distribution list, I'd love to join.


I look forward to hearing from others in the madmen chapter,






said on Thursday, October 8th, 2015

Sorry we don't get a lot of activity on here yet.  With so many members you would think we would have more than 22 members assicated with our chaper on here.  I would suggest coming out to the monitoring on Sunday 10/18.   It will help you learn about the river.  What the fish are eating and we can give you some pointers on spots to try.   Also, ODNR should have recently done their stockings at each bridge.  There should be some hanging around each of those for a few weeks.   They are smaller fish so be sure to use barbless hooks.  Details on the Sunday monitoring are on our website  I'm also going to add the details in a post here as well.  


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