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I'm still trying to figure out the mad river and the trout in the stream.  Last friday I waded down the mad river from Lippincott.  It took about 3 hours.  I waded down to the dam/tractor crossing in the stream.  I found 3 fishing holes.  The last hole had hundreds if not thousands of fish.  There [ READ MORE... ]
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Is there a group for the Central Ohio Fly Fishing in tu.org?  I didn't see one, but thought it may be beneficial.  Did anyone make it to the meeting last night?  I'm sorry I missed it.
discussion BY paulfbutler ON August 25 - 1 COMMENTS
Fishing Friend
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I'm not sure if this group is active or not, but I thought I would post something here?  I'm starting to fish the mad and curious if anyone was interested in exploring the river with me?  I've fished it about 6 times north of urbana.  The only fish I have caught/found are sucker fish.  I have not [ READ MORE... ]

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