Submitted by fiveriverstu on Thu, 2013-08-22 14:42 Groups audience Five Rivers - 451 Vote Up Down +9 + 007.JPG Yesterday I was fishing a local cutthroat stream and I caught two brook trout.There are more than enough places to catch brookies in the area, but not nearly as many great places for cutts.It would be nice to preserve the cutthroat streams we have.With that in mind, I whacked the brookies over the head and brought them home for dinner. I released all cutts, as I always do.But it raises a question: How often do YOU keep trout? Under what circumstances?I keep a few every year under conditions like the above, or if I am camping with my family in a developed campground where stockies are more than abundant and can be moved directly from stream to grill.I would love to hear your thoughts!