Submitted by codeman686 on Thu, 2014-07-24 18:28 Groups audience Green Bay - 083 Vote Up Down +34 + TIP Wanted Volunteers Poster.png Greetings, My name is Cody Rebischke. I am coordinating a non-profit organization called the Timberland Invasives Partnership (TIP) in Northeastern Wisconsin. We are a cooperative weed management area (CWMA) focusing on managing invasive species in Menominee, Shawano, Oconto, and Langlade County. There is a lot of work that needs to be done in Wisconsin in order to prevent the further infestation of invasive species! We are looking for both groups and individuals to assist, as volunteers, to combat against the ecological threat of both terrestrial and aquatic invasive species. I have a number of suggestions of volunteer projects related to Invasive Species Management, which I have attached information pertaining to including the following. -Invasive Species Removal Projects -Native Plant Restoration Projects -Invasive Species Management Research -Citizen-based invasive species monitoring -Citizen-base River & Stream Monitoring -Citizen-based Lake Monitoring -Watercraft Inspecting -Native Seed Harvesting -Construction Projects -Outreach & Education -Other potential possibilities that you may think of. *Training provided by TIP* I've attached a variety of documents to this email that contain more information of volunteer opportunities around Northeastern Wisconsin. TIP would greatly appreciate it if you post the flyers where interested people would most likely encounter them in your area or if you forward this email to others who may be interested in learning more about our organization, invasive species management, trainings, and our services. Please let me know if you would like more information on volunteer projects. TIP will provide the training and supervision as necessary. Could you please let me know how many volunteers are willing to participate that you know of, as well as the activities that they are most interested in participating in and all of the dates that each individual would be interested in volunteering on. This will assist me in further planning for these events. Please let potential volunteers know that volunteer work is great leadership training and that it helps the individual stand out from others on a resume or a work application, which may help the individual obtain jobs in the future. This is a great opportunity for individuals to learn more about the ecology of our state as well as gain valuable natural resource management skills. Your contributions will be greatly appreciated by all. Recognition will be given to all volunteers. Please let potential volunteers know that there efforts can be put towards fulfill community service hours. If you would forward this message to others, who may be interested in volunteering or who would be able to recruit volunteers, it would be greatly appreciated. The exact dates and locations of projects are still to be determined based on volunteer availability. I am hoping to have enough volunteers respond to start our volunteer efforts as soon as possible. There should be multiple volunteer opportunities each month depending on the number of volunteers willing to participate. The volunteers will collaborate as a work party to successfully complete each desired project. Our website ( also indicates volunteer opportunities in the TIP management area. All are welcome to volunteer as much as they would like to. I would be more than willing to train your organization for free on invasive species identification and monitoring strategies. I'm recruiting participants who would be willing to part-take in an invasive species management training followed by a paddle through one or more local waterways to obtain field experience in the field of invasive species management. I will also enlighten participants on the ecology of our region and other relevant natural resource management strategies and issues. I will be following the standard operating procedures outline @ ( to most effectively and efficiently train the participants. I've attached a flyer that TIP would appreciate you posting around your area to recruit participants. If the dates and locations do not work out for you and your affiliates please contact TIP or the River Alliance to distinguish a mutually convenient time and location for the training. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. Below is some additional information on Project Red. Please let me know if you are interested in getting involved in Lake, River, Stream, and/or Terrestrial Invasive Species Monitoring. Natural resource management monitoring options in Wisconsin include: Citizen-Based Lake Monitoring Network Terrestrial Invasive Species Monitoring Please let me know if you have any questions or if you would like to get involved in any of the Citizen-Based Monitoring Networks. I've attached various web pages below with Invasive Species Awareness if you would like to learn more about invasives. Here's a webpage for a very useful invasive species application for monitoring and sharing awareness around the Midwest. <- -> Check out the Timberland Invasives Partnership website @ Sincerely, Cody J. Rebischke Timberland Invasives Partnership (TIP) Coordinator Lumberjack Resource Conservation & Development Council, Inc. Menominee, Shawano, Langlade, & Oconto County Phone: 715-803-0749 Address: Conservation/Forestry/Zoning Department Office W3270 Courthouse Lane Keshena, WI 54135 Email: Timberland Invasives Partnership Website: Lumberjack RC&D Website: "Never Stop Exploring"