Submitted by tbrown on Wed, 2013-10-23 10:20 Groups audience Upper Delaware - 611 Catskill Mountain - 028 Vote Up Down +57 + 1309_untitled_038.jpg Just as the surrounding forest was starting to change into fall colors, the TU Catskill Partnership with help from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service complete a habitat improvement project on the East Branch Delaware River. Wayne's Dirt Business, a local contractor, installed 10 large trees along the river banks with rootwads intact to create a diversity of habitat in a otherwise homogenous stretch of river. In addition to the 200 feet of wood installed, three boulder clusters were installed upstream to help create deeper pools for trout to seek refuge from the bald eagles that are often observed hunting in the area. The Catskill Partnership is an amalgamation of local TU chapter members dedicated to the conservation and restoration of fishery resources in the Upper Delaware River. The Millennium Stream Improvement Fund financed this project. Interested in learning more about the Millennium Stream Improvement Project? Check out (Photo Frank Salt)