Submitted by st1689st on Fri, 2024-06-07 11:00 Groups audience Coosa Valley - 519 Vote Up Down +397 + Saturday, June 21st, 2025 - 8:00am to Saturday, June 21st, 2025 - 1:30pm Saturday, June 21, 2025 - 8am to Saturday, June 21, 2025 - 2:00pm THIS YEAR'S KFD EVENT IS PLANNED FOR SATURDAY, JUNE 21st, 2025. WE HAVE SOME PICS OF PAST KIDS FISHING DAY IN THE PHOTO SECTION. Kids Fishing Day is for children between the ages of THREE thru TWELVE. Resistered children will be given a coupon to have a free hotdog lunch complements of KC's Food Store, Coca-Cola, Krogers and Coosa Valley Chapter od Trout Unlimited. Parents and other guests can join the lunch for $2.00 per person. The children fish in age groups in the pond. REGISTERED CHILDREN IN ANY OF THESE AGE GROUPS MAY FISH IN THE CREEK ALL DAY POND FISHING TIMES The 3 and 4 year olds fish first, at 9am until 9:30. Followed by the 5 and 6 year olds at 9:45 until 10:15. The 7, 8 and 9 year olds fish fish from 10:30 until 11:00. The 10, 11 and 12 year olds fish from 11:15 until 11:45. ALL REGISTERED AGE GROUPS CAN FISH THE POND FROM 12 NOON UNTIL 1pm The fish are given a resting period between each age group. THERE IS A 5 FISH LIMIT FROM THE POND PER CHILD AND THE STATE INFORCES THE 8 TROUT LIMIT FOR FISH TOTAL FROM CREEK AND POND. WE ASK THAT PARENTS ASSIST THE CHILD AS NEEDED BUT NOT FISH FOR THE CHILD. WE ALSO DO NOT ALLOW SPINNING LURES OR TREBLE HOOKS. NO CULLING OF SMALL TROUT, YOU MUST KEEP THOSE THAT ARE CAUGHT...UP TO 5. Who's attending this event? There is no one currently attending this event.