Submitted by EBaird on Sat, 2015-10-03 10:15 Groups audience Western Pocono - 203 Brodhead - 289 The Front Porch Trout Magazine Pennsylvania - 9PA Vote Up Down +15 + Wednesday, December 9th, 2015 - 4:00pm December 2015 Meeting Notice.JPG Join the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited for our first ever December General Meeting!!! Let’s close out 2015 together tying flies, enjoying some delicious pizza, sharing tall tales and simply enjoying each other’s company in good fellowship! n.b.: The Rim Rock Road Bridge is under construction; thus, the KCEEC is inaccessible from Rt. 611. Access from BUS. RT. 209 or other alternate route is needed. *** If you’ll be attending, call 610-381-6188 NOT LATER THAN DECEMBER 7th to let us know how many pies to have on hand! Who's attending this event? Eric Baird