CANCELLED - CMTU 2020 May Chapter Meeting

Groups audience 
Monday, May 4th, 2020 - 5:00pm to Monday, May 4th, 2020 - 6:00pm

Trout Unlimited


Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited - April Newsletter


May Chapter Meeting – Cancelled


It is with great sorrow that I pass along news of a fellow fly fisherman Armand Courchaine. Armand was very active member of the fly fishing community. There were many local fly fishing groups that benefited from his presence. You could usually find him at the Marlboro and Bear’s Den Fly Fishing Shows presenting his craft and providing that positive experience. He passed away after a battle with the Covid-19.


To support the State’s direction on Covid-19, we will be cancelling the May Chapter Meeting, the Banquet and the High School Fly Fishing Tournament. Safety comes first. We will be able to get back together all in good time.


This month, instead of our normal fly tying pattern, I am going to present what has replaced my fly tying vise on the kitchen table as we "Shelter at Home".


For those of you who own a sewing machine, the following pattern is called the "Covid Hand-kerchief".


The background of this "Pattern" comes from our fathers, whom were often found to lend a handkerchief which was a commonly in their pocket.


Now, I find a handkerchief a good tool in my defense against the Covid-19. Having something to form a barrier between my hand and a public surface (door knobs, gas pump handles, ATM key pads, pens, etc) provides another layer in protection.


The Covid Handkerchief provides a very easy to use and access surface to put your hand in to work the many public surfaces that you encounter and that could have the Covid-19. There are 2 colors on this device. The "RED" surface is the side you always contact the public surface. This side should always be treated as if containing the virus.


When not in use, the Covid Handkerchief is easily folded up using the 2 side tabs. Their position allows for folding without having to contact the red surface. Only the non-red surface is exposed when you place in your pants pocket.


Here is what you will need:


  1. A 6" by 12" piece of red cloth. It can have a pattern, but predominantly red.
  2. A 6" by 6" piece of cloth that is not red.
  3. A 4" piece of ribbon or similar. I use nylon webbing (better if you have it).
  4. Sewing machine
  5. Scissors


Here is how it goes:


  • Take the Non-red cloth, fold over one edge about a 1/4" and sew.
  • Fold the red cloth so that it is 6" square, place on the your work surface.
  • Cut the ribbon or webbing in half. Place such that the edge of the ribbon/web is at the center of the 2 "rough" sides that are opposite (right and left) each other. There should be about 1" hanging over the red cloth.
  • Place the non-red cloth such that the sewn edge (Bottom) is on the folded side (bottom) of the red cloth. The backside of the cloth should be exposed (we will later invert). Now, adjust the colored cloth such that the rough edge opposite the sewn edge (the top) matches the rough edge on the red cloth opposite the folded edge (the top).
  • Starting at one of the corners of the red folded edge (bottom) and the rough edge (right or left), sew along the rough edge. You will sew the ribbon into place as you sew along this edge. Continue sewing along the "top" and down the other side. Stop when you get to the bottom. The "Bottom" is left open for your hand.
  • Trim the ribbon/webbing flush.
  • Turn your project inside out - and you have the "Covid Handkerchief"



To Fold - Take the 2 tabs in your fingers and apply slight tension. Fold in half such that the red material is on the inside of the fold. You can make another fold or use as is.


To use - Place your hand inside the opening with the red material on your palm. Use the red side to contact the public surfaces. Do not touch the red surface. Fold when not in use. Wash when you return home.


Stay Safe


Tight Lines,

Peter Sterndale

President, Central MA Chapter of Trout Unlimited



© 2020 Trout Unlimited | CMTU #148 |

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