DNR Informational Webinar - Total Maximum Load

Groups audience 
Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 - 1:00pm to Wednesday, February 15th, 2023 - 2:00pm


Fox Illinois River Basin TMDL Study Kickoff Meeting

Wednesday, Feb. 15, 1 p.m.

Approximately 1 hour, followed by a question-and-answer session.

Registration for the webinar is required via this link:https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYsduGvrz0jGtO7cmXc9ow_294xe52pfgo7


The webinar will be recorded and available for viewing through the Fox Illinois River Basin TMDL webpage.


Project Background

The FOXIL TMDL study area is located in the southwestern part of Wisconsin. The study area includes the Upper, Lower, and Middle Fox River, the Des Plaines River, the Mukwonago River, Sugar and Honey Creeks, the White River, Nippersink Creek, North Mill Creek, and Channel Lake watersheds. The FOXIL TMDL study area covers approximately 1,060 square miles within Wisconsin. A map of the area is located on the Fox Illinois River Basin TMDL webpage.


The Federal Clean Water Act requires that waters not meeting water quality standards be listed as impaired and have a TMDL or equivalent restoration plan developed to address the impaired waters. Many water bodies in the study area are listed as impaired due to excess total phosphorus and sediment. When completed, the TMDL will quantify the different sources of pollution, provide allocations, and prescribe reductions if needed.  In addition to addressing the impaired waters, the TMDL study will also develop protection TMDLs which provide allocations to protect waters that are currently not listed as impaired but could become impaired if pollutant reduction activities are not initiated or maintained.  


Future Project Updates

If you are interested in receiving updates about the TMDL project, please subscribe to our GovDelivery email service. Additional information is also provided on the Fox Illinois River Basin TMDL webpage.


Please contact Eric Hettler at eric.hettler@wisconsin.gov if you have any questions.

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